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How can I identify my Cattaraugus Cutlery Company Knife?

Mrs. Dewey P. Ferguson
The Cattaraugus Cutlery Company stamped nearly all of their knives with pattern numbers in a unique numbering system. They may have also denoted different blades and colors of handles with letter abbreviations, but this is rare.

The first figure of the pattern number indicates the number of blades (1 means one blade, etc.).

The second figure indicates the number and type of bolsters:
0 = no bolsters
1 = front bolster only
2 = front and rear bolsters
3 -- tip style bolsters
5 = diagonal (slant) bolsters

The last figure of the pattern number denotes the type of handle material used:
1 = white fiberoid
2 = french pearl
3 = genuine mother of pearl
4 = celluloid
5 = genuine stag
6 = ebony
7 = concobola
8 = white bone
9 = stag bone

The remaining numbers (3rd and 4th in most cases) are the pattern number.

Beware: after Cattaraugus went out of business, someone bought the remaining parts and assembled them, resulting in low quality, crude examples. Also, the stamping on these later knives is very poor. Do not confuse these later knives with original manufacture.
